Monday, March 29, 2010

Brad P's Pickup Mansion

I spent a year living in Brad P's Pickup Mansion in Hollywood, California. I learned an amazing amount about pickup, relationships, and myself. As a result of the ongoing coaching and the total number of approaches I was doing, I actually got pretty good and now I'm doing what I can to help out others

The last workshop of the original mansion guys was crazy! As Brad described it:
"We had big titty chicks in the hot tub, 2 after-parties, multiple bathroom pulls, one guy got puked on by a EXPLOSION VOMIT....we hung out with rock stars, Nomad touched the biggest tits i ever seen in my life, i got some crazy videos, i almost got kicked out of 2 different clubs...and there was also lots of sex going on....and fingering. "

Here is the review of the Pickup Mansion that I posted on various forums. It is a great program:

9 months ago, I moved into Brad P's Pickup Mansion in Los Angeles. In that time, I've made some great advances in my game and done some things that a year ago would have been impossible for me:

•I went to a party at the Playboy Mansion, made out with several women, and then fingered one in the zoo and brought her home.
•I had sex with a fetish model on the leather chair in the piercing studio where she worked. Mid coitus, she remembered that we were being filmed by the security cameras… so I fucked her harder.
•I fucked a girl in the back seat of a friends car, while he was driving
•For the first time in my life, I had sex with 4 women in one week (and fingered a 5th.)
•And more…

A little over a year ago, a friend of mine showed me a book called the Adventures of Brad P (I think now called Diary of a Pickup Artist.) Once I started reading it, I couldn't put it down! There was a bit of skepticism ("Is this for real?!?! How can he fuck so many girls so quickly?!") My game pretty much sucked at the time (my first cold approach happened just a few months earlier.) I eventually signed up for a weekend workshop with Brad P and was convinced that the stories were true and learned that Brad P was an excellent teacher. At that same workshop, as we were discussing my future goals, Brad mentioned his ideas for the Pickup Mansion. The idea was that a few guys would live in Hollywood for a year, and focus on improving their game under the tutelage of Brad P and his coaches, Jake P, LA Phil, Glenn P, Bobby, Hyper, and Scotty Flamingo.

I immediately knew it was the right thing for me because I wanted to get really good as fast as possible. A year long structured program with the #1 Pickup Artist in the world sounded like it fit the bill, and I knew that if I could make it happen that I had to do it. It was a challenge to get here... First off, I had a job. In another city! But if you want something bad enough… so I plotted, and eventually spoke with my management team and made a proposal that I would work remotely for a year. When it became evident that I would probably just quit if the answer was no, they agreed (I still can't believe it!)

So I sold most of what I owned, packed the rest into my car, and then drove for 4 days to Los Angeles.
It was me and three other guys in the house, which has a pretty awesome location and is all pimped out. Every girl that has come back to the house has said something to the effect of, "Is this for real?" or "Am I dreaming?" or just simply, "Wow!" There is a fire pit, an amazing video/sound system, and a living room modeled after the lobby of a famous hotel. It is definitely impressive.

We started out that first weekend with a normal Brad P workshop, going out Friday and Saturday night with coaches and then spending Sunday analyzing the weekend. We also did some team building and trust building exercises to help us grow as house mates and friends. Over the course of the past 9 months, we have done these workshops every month, with regular check ups from Brad and other coaches. The training is tailored to each person, so we get individual attention and 1-on-1 time to work through any questions or sticking points we have.

One of the first nights in LA, Brad had a couple local promoters drive us around and show us where the best local clubs and bars were, and highlight which places were the best on any given night. We learned which clubs had the hardest door discretion, which ones were free and which ones had cover charges, and which type of people preferred each venue. Some clubs were great for goth girls, some for hot OC girls, and some for UCLA sports girls. Coming fresh to LA, it was awesome to be able to get my finger on the pulse of the city in so little time. Over the months, the promoters have helped us get into the newest hot venues and brought us to some great parties

Unlike a normal public workshop, month after month we are with the same guys, so we get to learn from not only the coaches, but the breakthroughs the other Pickup Mansion guys are making. And since the group of us are all focused on getting good with women, there is always somebody to go out with or to work through tactics or strategy. We've all become pretty good at winging. Also unlike normal public workshops, we are building on the previous month each time we get together with the coaches. Because we are all working together for a year, we are able to focus on bigger issues and concepts, such as night life social hierarchies, group control theory, calibration, reading girls buying temperature, deep seated inner game issues, working through logistics, relationship management, fashion, body language and voice tone, repertoire, and more. I've seen Brad work on phone game issues real time with one of the other mansion guys, and he gave me feedback when I pulled a girl back to a hotel room that he was sleeping in (perhaps a world's first coached escalation! Haha!)

Today, I am regularly telling friends and coworkers "I love my life!" I've made such incredible advances in my game, such that things I saw Brad P do a year ago are now fairly normal. I've pickup up girls from grocery stores, shopping malls, airports, airplanes, bars, and dance clubs. I used to keep track of how many girls I made out with in clubs, but I have lost count. I've made some of the best friends I've ever had. I've had more sex with hotter girls than at any other time in my life. My balls have grown orders of magnitude, my leadership skills have improved, my dominance has improved, and my presence and confidence with women is through the roof.

This has been the best training program I've ever experienced, and has had an amazing impact on my life. The continual coaching and constant feedback has had a tremendous impact on my game and my life. I can't recommend this program highly enough


  1. how much does it cost?

  2. Hey Anonymous, take a look at this page:

    For more details, give Drew a call at
    +1 (702) 516-8879

  3. Nomad,

    Awesome review! I have been "thinking about" applying to live there since he started the Pickup Mansion but never had the guts to pull the trigger. Your review has convinced me to fill out the app!! (Just did it, by the way). We'll see what happens, I'm pumped.

    Jazz D
